「タブーの書」 <2>
アラン・ワッツ (著), 竹渕 智子 (翻訳) 1991/01めるくまーる単行本: 231ページ
「タブーの書」の巻末には、ワッツの一連の書物のリストがあったので、こちらに転記しておいて、そのうちチャンスがあったら、すこしづつめくってみようと思う。いずれにせよ、「私が愛した本」の「禅」編の見直しで、「禅の道」=The Way of Zen だけでも近々に読みたいと思っていた。
The Spirit of Zen : A way of Life, Work, and Art in the Far East 1935
The Legacy of Asia and Western Man : A Study of the Middle Way 1937
The Meaning of Happiness : A Quest for Freedom of Spirit in Modern Psychology and the Wisdom of the East
The Theologia Mystica of Saint Dionysius, 1944
Behold the Spirit : A Study in the Necessity of Mystical Religion 1947
Easter - Its Story and Meaning, 1950
The Supreme Identity, 1950
The Wisdom of Insecurity : A Message for an Age of Anxiety 1951
The Way of Zen 1957
Nature, Man and Woman, 1958
"This Is It" and Other Essays on Zen and Spiritual Experience 1960
Psycotherapy East and West 1961
The Joyous Cosmology : Adventures in the Chemistry of Conciousness 1962
Beyond Theology : The Art of Godmanship 1964
The Book : On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are 1966
Myth and Ritual in Christianity, 1968
The Two Hands of God : The Myths of Polarity 1969
Does It Matter ? Essay on Man's Relation to Materiality 1970
Theologica Mystica, Sausalito Calif 1971 翻訳
In My Own Way : An Autobiography 1972
The Art of Contemplation 1972
Cloud-hidden, Whereabouts Unknown : A Mountain Journal 1973
The Essence of Alan Watts 1974
Meditation 1974
Tao : The Watercourse Way, With the collaboration of Al Chung-liang Huang 1975
| 固定リンク
- Haruki Murakami What I Talk About When I Talk About Running(2010.02.11)
- 村上春樹スタディーズ(2005ー2007)(2010.02.10)
- 村上春樹を読むヒント(2010.02.10)
- 1Q84スタディーズ(book2)(2010.02.10)
- 村上春樹「1Q84」の世界を深読みする本(2010.02.10)