HYAKUJO ; The Everest of Zen OSHO
HYAKUJO; The Everest of Zen
OSHO(Author), Ma Dhyan Sagar (Editor) September 1989 Publisher: Rebel Publishing House Hardcover: 192 pages Language: English
Vol.2 No.1013★★★★★(残り11冊)
Basho is one of the greatest poets in the world. His greatness is not in his poetry--there are far greater poets as far as the composition of poetry is concerned. His greateness is that his poetry is not just verbiage, is not just putting words together according to a certain pattern, his poetry is an experience.
Hyakujo never wrote any poetry. His approach is very prose and direct, and the haikus supplement what is missing in the prose, Bhasho expressed himself very graphically. His experiences are more paintings than poetry. And his undersutanding is --and I agree with him -- that where prose fails, poetry may succeed. Poetry has a more feminine way, more subtle, more graceful, of entering into the heart, I have put together two great masters. Both are Himalayan peaks, and togetherer they are going to create a tremendous harmony.OSHO back flap
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