英語で読み解く賢治の世界 ロジャ-・パルヴァ-ス/上杉隼人
「英語で読み解く賢治の世界」 岩波ジュニア新書
ロジャ-・パルバ-ス/上杉隼人 2008/06 岩波書店 新書 212p
Vol.3 No.0593★★★★★
Strong in the rain
Strong in the wind
Strong against the summer heat and snow
He is healthy and robust
Free from all desire
He never loses his generous spirit
Nor the quiet smile on his lips
He eats four [go] of unpolished rice
Miso and a few vegetables a day
He does not consider himself
In whatever occurs....his understanding
Comes from observation and experience
And he never loses sight of things
He lives in a little thatched-roof hut
In a field in the shadows of a pine tree grove
If there's a sick child in the east
He goes there to nurse the child
If there's a tired mother in the west
He goed to her and carries her sheaves
If someone is near death in the south
He goes and says, "Don't be afraid"
If there are strife and lawsuits in the north
He demands that the people put an end to their pettiness
He weeps at the time of drought
He plods about at a loss during the cold summer
Everybody calls him "Blockhead"
No one sings his praises
Or takes him to heart....
That is the kind of person
I want to be p3「賢治の祈り」
「雨ニモマケズ」は比較的英訳しやすいだろう。それにしても、なるほど、Strong in the rain というのはなかなかいい感じ。だが「春と修羅」などになると、かなり難しい。英訳も難しいだろうが、読むほうもなかなか難しい。高度な想像力を要求される。
| 固定リンク
- 足に土―原人・アキラ 須貝 アキラ 追悼集 <7>(2012.02.16)
- 宮沢賢治祈りのことば 石寒太 <3> 悲しみから這い上がる希望の力(2012.02.16)
- デクノボーになりたい 私の宮沢賢治 / 山折哲雄(2012.02.16)
- 宗教詩人 宮沢賢治―大乗仏教にもとづく世界観 丹治 昭義(2012.02.15)
- OSHO ZEN TAROT <43> RECEPTIVITY(受容性)(2012.02.15)