The Messiah<4>Osho on Kahlil Gilbran's the Prophet
「The Messiah」 Commentaries by Osho on Kahlil Gilbran's the Prophet, Volume 1<4>
Osho (Author) 1987/09 Publisher: Osho Intl; Paperback: 496 pages Language: English
First, he is certainly a great poet, perhaps the greatest that has ever been born on the earth, but he is not a mystic; and there is a tremendous difference between a poet and a mystic.
The poet, once in a while, suddenly finds himself in the same space as the mystic.
In those rare moments, roses shower over him.
On those rare occasions, he is almost a Gautam Buddha – but remember, I’m saying almost.p16「A DAWN UNTO HIS OWN DAY」
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