The Messiah<9>Osho on Kahlil Gilbran's the Prophet
「The Messiah」 Commentaries by Osho on Kahlil Gilbran's the Prophet, Volume 1<9>
Osho (Author) 1987/09 Publisher: Osho Intl; Paperback: 496 pages Language: English
そもそもジブラン「プロフェット」は、全体としては、一番面白いのは「序章 船来る」と「終章 別れ」である。この部分だけでひとつの物語になるであろうし、この部分なくしては「プロフェット」にはならなかっただろう。Oshoの講話もかなりの時間がこの部分について語られている。
Kahlil Gibran cannot be consistent, because he is a great poet –but only a poet; he is not a mystic.
He has not seen the reality in its totality. He has not experienced himself, his own individuality.Osho p282 pdf190p
科学者であり、芸術家であり、神秘家である、というのが、ひとつの「NEW MAN」の姿だが、ジブランが「詩人」であるだけでは、Oshoにとっては不足である。
There is beauty in the words, poetry in the expression, but there is no profundity of meaning. This statement is true only for those who are fast asleep and unconscious. The statement is not true; it simply shows your sleepiness, your unconsciousness. Osho p282 pdf190p
In one of the very important statements of Friedrich Nietzsche... and it is well to remember Friedrich Nietzsche at this moment because Kahlil Gibran was impressed by Friedrich Nietzsche more than by anybody else. In fact, he wrote the book, THE PROPHET under the influence of Friedrich Nietzsche’s book, THUS SPAKE ZARATHUSTRA.Osho p282 pdf190p
「Osho、ニーチェを語る」に繋がる部分であるし、当ブログが今後、この「Messiah」の次に読み込もうとしている「Zarathustra: A God That Can Dance」や「Zarathustra: The Laughing Prophet」に繋がる部分である。
Christ is the Greek translation of the word Messiah. And of course, the followers became known as Christians. Otherwise, Jesus was born a Jew , lived a Jew , died a Jew . Two great Jews... strange mysteries of existence... had to come to a land where there were no other Jews. And it was good;
otherwise they would have been crucified.Osho p286 pdf193p
If Kahlil Gibran had been in the East, he would have touched the same heights of consciousness as any Lao Tzu, as any Bodhidharma. And he was more articulate than Gautam Buddha or Mahavira. If he had touched all those heights and remained on them, he would have been the greatest man on the earth, because neither Buddha has that poetry nor anybody else. But they know the truth.Osho p289 pdf194p
Kahlil Gibran was never a disciple. Hence, he has no understanding of many things which only disciples can have. He was never a master so he is not aware of the total truth. He was never a mystic. He was only a great poet. And I have chosen him for my commentaries so that I can show you – don’t be deceived by beautiful words. Always look inside, whether they contain anything. Don’t be bothered by the containers –the containers can be very beautiful, very aesthetic, and inside? There is nothing but darkness and emptiness.Osho p294 pdf198p
The heart is a sacred shrine. Knock on the doors of the heart only in moments when your mind feels that it is beyond its capacity.
But not a single time does he mention, ”Look into your being.” He is not even aware of it, that all profound truths and secrets are not contained in the heart.
There will come a moment when even the heart cannot help you.
Then Kahlil Gibran has no answer for you.
But I have an answer.
Then, go beyond the heart. Look into your own being.Osho p294 pdf198p
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