« 「心に静寂をつくる練習」グーグル本社が本気で取り組む、「立ち止まる習慣」 吉田典生 | トップページ | 「WIRED VOL.23」特集 GOOD COMPANY いい会社<1> »


OSHO 現代世界のマインドフルネス 「Mindfulness in the Modern World」 <C001>

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「Mindfulness in the Modern World」 How Do I Make Meditation Part of Everyday Life? <C001>
OSHO 2014/04 Griffin 英語 ペーパーバック 254ページ (Osho Life Essentials) 
No.3814★      本文目次





5)Remember, be mindful and alert. If you are alart, if your actions become more and more aware, whatsoever you do will not be done sleepily. The whole effort of society is to make you automaticm, is to make you like an automation, is to make you a perfect, efficient mechanism.

When you start learning to drive you are alert but not efficient, because alertness takes energy and you have to be alert to many things--the gears, the wheel, the brake, accerator, Clutch.

There are so many things you have to be aware of that you cannat be efficient, you cannot go fast.

But by and by, when you become efficient, you need not be aware. You can go on humming a song or thinking inside or solving a puzzle and the car goes by itself. The body takes it automatically. The more automatic you become, the more efficient. p16

If you can understand me, then the whole effort of meditative techniques is to deautomatize you, to make you again alertm, to make you again a human being, not a machine.

In the beginnig you will become less efficient, but don't be bothered by it. In the beginning everything will become a mess. Because everything has settled in you as an automation, in the beginning everything will become a mess; you will nat be able to do anything efficiently.

You will feel diffculty because you have become fixed with unconscious efficiency. To be consciously efficient, long effort will be needed. But by and by you will be aware and efficient. p17




« 「心に静寂をつくる練習」グーグル本社が本気で取り組む、「立ち止まる習慣」 吉田典生 | トップページ | 「WIRED VOL.23」特集 GOOD COMPANY いい会社<1> »







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« 「心に静寂をつくる練習」グーグル本社が本気で取り組む、「立ち止まる習慣」 吉田典生 | トップページ | 「WIRED VOL.23」特集 GOOD COMPANY いい会社<1> »